Lou Montgomery: His Story is Our Story, a sequel to Lou Montgomery: A Legacy Restored, revolves around the ways in which society has chosen to address, or look past, the inequalities of racism and injustice, from the time Lou Montgomery was a young athlete growing up in Brockton, MA, through his college years. As a member of the 1940 “Team of Destiny” at Boston College, Lou Montgomery, the first Black athlete at BC, understood the significance of his role at a time when Jim Crow laws violated justice and perpetuated a racist America. Courageously teaching by example, he helped forge a path for other young Black athletes faced with being “the only,” or “the first.”
This documentary bridges Lou Montgomery’s story, beginning in the early 1930’s in Massachusetts, with contemporary experiences of high school and college student-athletes, through interviews with current and former members of Brockton High School and Boston College football teams. Through his own words and achievements, and the reflections of former members of the NFL, historians, educators/administrators, coaches, and religious leaders, Lou Montgomery, an outstanding athlete, scholar, and gentleman, continues to inspire the next generation to tackle racism, and to work together for social justice.
New documentary highlights whistleblowers against clergy sexual abuse
by Beth Griffin | February 10, 2015

A Matter of Conscience: Confronting Clergy Abuse
Documentary Premiere: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Saturday, October 4th, 2014 at 2:00pm
(with panel discussion following the film) Co-Producers: Susan A. Michalczyk and John J. Michalczyk
The 50 minute documentary, A Matter of Conscience: Confronting Clergy Abuse focuses on the courageous individuals who placed the welfare of vulnerable and innocent children above the image of the Catholic Church. Those who came forward to report clergy abuse to religious and civil authorities suffered serious repercussions, including being marginalized by other religious. Yet, they made the decision to act rather than look away, and to speak up rather than remain silent. Their words and their actions demonstrate the strength of individuals who take a stand when facing the abuse of power. With a new Pope pledging transparency, is it possible to see future significant changes that bring about accountability and justice?
Information: Prof. John Michalczyk (michalcj@bc.edu) Prof. Susan Michalczyk (michalcz@bc.edu)